The following overview lists publications and communications in their original language titles and sources. At relevant points, English translations for originally Norwegian titles are offered in brackets.
Selected Academic Publications
«Horse Statues in Seventh Century Jerusalem: Ancient Social Formations and the Evaluation of Religious Diversity», ms. 31 pages, forthcoming in: The Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel spring 2015.
«Heshbon – The History of a Biblical Memory», ms. 22 pages, forthcoming.
«The Canonical Taming of Job (Job 42:1-6)», ms. 17 pages, presented in the Oxford Old Testament Seminar on 3 December 2013, forthcoming in the Oxford Old Testament Seminar Proceedings, LHBOTS, Bloomsbury. |Download pre-publication version.pdf.]
«Imagining the Memory of an Elder: Job 29–30”» ms. 24 pages forthcoming in: Ehud Ben Zvi and Diana Edelman (eds.), Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the 5th-2nd Centuries BCE., (World of the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean), Sheffield: Equinox 2016.
«Adorant? Goddess? Ancestress? Iconographic Reflections on a Group of Egyptian Terracotta
Figurines in the Ustinov Collection», ms. 14 pages, forthcoming in a book edited by Marina Prusac, KHM, UiO.
Editor (with Saphinaz-Amal Naguib): The Formative Past and the Formation of the Future: Collective Remembering and Identity Formation. Oslo: Novus 2015 [382 pp]. Academia.
«Time, Media, Space: Perspectives on the Ecology of Collective Remembering»,, co-authored with Saphinaz-Amal Naguib, in: Terje Stordalen and Saphinaz-Amal Naguib (eds.), The Formative Past and the Formation of the Future: Collective Remembering and Identity Formation. Oslo: Novus 2015, 17–37. Academia.
«Canon and Canonical Commentary: Comparative Perspectives on Canonical Systems», in: Terje Stordalen and Saphinaz-Amal Naguib (eds.), The Formative Past and the Formation of the Future. Oslo: Novus 2015, 133–160. Academia.
«The Trail of Roses: Time, Media, and Space in Commemorations of 22 July», in: Terje Stordalen and Saphinaz-Amal Naguib (eds.), The Formative Past and the Formation of the Future. Oslo: Novus, 2015, 315–343. Academia.
«Canon, Canonicity, Canonization», co-authored with Jorunn Økland, in: Julia O’Brian (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies, Volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014, 17–25.
«Imagined and Forgotten Communities: Othering in the Story of Josiah’s Reform (2 Kings 23)», in: Ehud Ben Zvi and Diana Edelman (eds.), Imagining the Other and Constructing Israelite Identity in the early Second Temple Period, London: Bloomsbury, 2014, 182–200.
«Dialogism, Monologism, and Cultural Literacy: Classical Hebrew Literature and Reader’s Epistemic Paradigms», Bible and Critical Theory 2014: 10/1. Online version.
«Fra en åpen himmel til en lukket kanon? Profetenes kritikk av the establishment i kanonteoretisk fugleperspektiv» [From an open heaven to a closed canon? Prophetic critique of the establishment in canon theoretical perspective], Teologisk Tidsskrift 3, 2014, 116-135.
«Review of Peter Thatcher LANFER, Remembering Eden: The Reception History of Genesis 3:22-24. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012», in Biblica 95/4, 2014, 605–609.
«Ancient Hebrew Recitative Meditation», in: H. Eifring (ed.), Meditation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Cultural Histories, London: Continuum, 2013, pp. 17-31 (plus notes 237-39).
[Download 2013 Stordalen, Recitation.pdf]
«Media of Ancient Hebrew Religion», in: Knut Lunby (ed.), Religion across Media: From Early Antiquity to Late Modernity, Peter Lang Publishers, 2013, pp.20-36.
«Locating the Textual Gaze – Then and Now», Material Religion 8, 2012, 521-24.
[Download: Material Religion 8/4 (In Conversation).pdf]
«“His place does not recognise him” (Job 7:10): Reflections of Non-Inscribed Memory in the Book of Job», in: P. Carstens, T. Bjørnung Hasselbalch, og N. P. Lemche. (eds.) The Bible and Cultural Memory, Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2012, pp. 31-52. [Download here]
«What Is a Canon of Scriptures?», in: Kristinn Ólason, Ólafur Egilsson and Stefán Stefánsson (eds.) Mótun menningar / Shaping Culture: Festschrift for Gunnlaugur A. Jónsson, Reykjavik: Hiđ, 2012, pp. 15-33. [Download: from DUO, Univ. of Oslo]
«Kanon og kanonisk kommentar», [ET: Canon and Canonical Commentary], Teologisk Tidsskrift, 1, 2012, 122-37. [Download here]
«Jobs bok i “Midtens rike”: Til jordens ender for å forstå Jerusalems visdomslitteratur», in: K. Holter and J. Ådna (eds.) Jerusalem, Samaria og jordens ender: Bibeltolkninger tilegnet Magnar Kartveit, Trondheim: Tapir, 2011, pp. 101-114.
«The God of the Eden Narrative», in: G. Eidevall and B. Scheuer (eds.), Enigmas and Images: Studies in Honor of Tryggve N. D. Mettinger, (Coniectanea Biblical OT Series 58), Winona Lake, IN: Eisebrauns 2011, pp. 3-21. [Download here]
«Mother Earth in Biblical Hebrew Literature: Ancient and Contemporary Imagination», in: J. Middlemas, D. J. A. Clines, and E. Holt (eds.), The Centre and the Periphery: A European Tribute to Walter Brueggemann, (Hebrew Bible Monographs 27), Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2010, pp. 113-130. [Download here]
«Heaven on Earth: Jerusalem, Temple, and the Cosmography of the Garden of Eden», Collegium Biblicum Årsskrift 2009, 7-20.
“Review: Parenthesis in Biblical Hebrew, by Tamar Zewi”, Acta Orientalia 70, 2009, 227-29.
“Heaven on Earth – or Not? Jerusalem as Eden in Biblical Literature”, in: Konrad Schmid and Christoph Riedweg (eds), Beyond Eden: The Biblical Story of Paradise (Genesis 2–3) and Its Reception History, (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, Bd. 34), Berlin: Mohr Siebeck 2008, 28-57. [Download here]
“«An Almost Canonical Entity»: Text Artifacts and Aurality in Early Biblical Literature”, in: Juha Pakkala and Martti Nissinen (eds.), Houses Full of All Good Things: Essays in Memory of Timo Veijola, (Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society 95; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008), 666-683. [Download here]
«Sigmund Mowinckel og hans tid” [«Sigmund Mowinckel and his Time» – A Review Essay over the Book by that Title by Sigurd Hjelde], Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 109, 2008, 181-93.
[Download here]
«The Canonization of Ancient Hebrew and Confucian Literature», Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 32.1, 2007, 3-22. [Download here]
“Dialogue and Dialogism in the Book of Job”, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, 20:1, 2006, 18-37. [Download here]
“Tsunami and Theology: The Social Tsunami in Scandinavia and the Book of Job”, Studia Theologica 60, 2006, 3-20. [Download here]
“Echo´s van Eden. Paradijsmotieven in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel”. I: Het paradijs. ed. Ellen van Wolde, Zoetermeer: Meinema 2006, s. 57-71.
«Praktisk teologi og tverrfaglighet i profesjonsstudiet», Ung Teologi 38, 2005, 49-55.
”Een twevoudig begin van de wereld en de mensheid in Genesis 1 en 2?”, [ET: A Double beginning of the World and of the Humankind in Genesis 1 and 2?], in: Schrift: Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift over de Bijbel 209, 2003, 147-52.
«Gammeltestamentlig teologi anno 2002» [ET: Old Testament Theology Anno 2002], Svensk exegetisk årsskrift 2003, 7-42.
[Co-Editor with O. Skarsaune] Professor, dr. theol. Arvid Tångberg (1946–2000) in memoriam, (TTK 72/1-2), Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2001.
«Law or Prophecy? On the Order of the Canonical Books», in: Stordalen, T. and O. Skarsaune (eds.), Professor, dr. theol. Arvid Tångberg (1946–2000) in memoriam, (TTK 72/1-2), Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2001, pp. 129-148 [Download here]
Echoes of Eden. Genesis 2–3 and Symbolism of the Eden Garden in Biblical Hebrew Literature, (Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology, 25), Leuven: Peeters 2000.
[Download: Large parts of Echoes of Eden available in GoogleBooks]
«‘Moder jord’ – etisk impuls i Det gamle testamente», [ET: Mother Earth: An Ethical Impulse in the Old Testament], in: J.-O. Henriksen (ed.), Makt, eiendom og rettferdighet: Bibelske moraltradisjoner i møte med vår tid, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2000, 115-138
«Etisk relevant materiale i GT», [ET: Ethically Relevant material in the OT], in: J.-O. Henriksen (ed.), Makt, eiendom og rettferdighet: Bibelske moraltradisjoner i møte med vår tid, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2000, 67-82
«Response to “The Oscillating Progress of Theological Education – Person or Profession” by Dr. Lam», Theology and Life 23, 2000, 109-117
[Co-authored with R. Hvalvik] Den store fortellingen. Om Bibelens tilblivelse, innhold, bruk og betydning, Oslo: Verbum 1999 [ET: The Great Story: On the production, content, use and significance of the Bible.] New edition 2002 [TS: Altogether 12 chapters giving an introduction to the Old Testament.]
[Editor] Conference Catalogue: The Sixteenth IOSOT Congress, Oslo 2 – 7 August 1998, Oslo; IOSOT 1998
«Mytebegrepet i bibelforskningen», [The Concept of Myth in Biblical Studies], Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke 69, 1998, 279-308 [Download here]
[Co-author in M. Kartveit et. al.] Det gamle testamentet. Analyse av tekstar i utval, Oslo: Samlaget 1997 [The Old Testament: Analysis of Selected Passages.] New editions in 1999 and 2003; [TS: Chapters on the Pentateuch, Genesis 1-11 and Exodus 20.]
«Selected Writings of Professor Magne Sæbø», in: A. Tångberg (ed.), Text and Theology. Studies in Honour of Professor dr. theol. Magne Sæbø, Oslo: Verbum, 1994, 359-75
Støv og livspust: Mennesket i Det gamle testamente, [ET: Dust and Breath of Life – Humankind in the Old Testament], Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 1994 [Reprint in 1999 and 2001]
[Download: PDF version of the book (2013)]
«“All jordens vei…”: Mennesker i liv og død i det Gamle testamente», [ET: “The Way of All Earth: Humans in life and death in the Old Testament”], Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke 65, 1994, 203-211 [Download here]
«‘Menneske først …’? Hiskias salme og utfordringer fra kontekstuell eksegese», [“First being human....” On the Psalm of Hezekiah (Isaiah 38) and Challenges from Contextual Exegesis], Ung Teologi 4/1994, 59-72
«Man, Soil, Garden. Basic Plot in Gen 2-3 Reconsidered», Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 53, 1992, 3-26 [Download here]
«“Bibel og litteratur” i nyere GT-forskning», [ET: Bible and Literature in Recent OT Research], Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke, 63, 1992, 113-28 [Download here]
«Genesis 2,4. Restudying a locus classicus», Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 104, 1992, pp. 163-77 [Download here]
«Eksegese og systematikk: Til spørsmålet om teologiens enhet», [ET: Exegesis and Systematic Theology: To the Question of the Unity of Theology], Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke 62, 1991, 113-29
«Tilværelsens uutgrunnelige enhet: Respons til Jan-Olav Henriksen”, Ung Teologi 24, hft. 2, 1991, 71-80
«Det eksegetiske objekt og teologiens enhet», Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke 61, 1990, 255-72 [On constituting the textual object and on the issue of coherence in theology] [Download here]
«Tolkningen av Gen 2-3 rundt århundreskiftet: Et bidrag til spørsmålet om skriftforståelse og tolkning», [ET: The Interpretation of Genesis 2–3 around the Last Turn of Century: A Contribution to the Issue of the Apprehension of Interpretation of Scripture] Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke 58, 1987, 175-91 [Download here]
«Synden og døden i jødedommen fram mot Paulus», [ET: Sin and Death in Judaism before Paul] Ung Teologi 2/1986, 47-59. [Download here]
Syndefall og verdensbilde: Eksegetiske resultater etter ett års arbeid med synds- og dødsetiologier samt forestillinger om synd, død og lidelse i Det gamle testamente og i jødedommen, muliggjort ved et studentstipend fra NAVF, Oslo: Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet, 2004, 251 s.
A list of (not yet) published academic presentations is available here.
A separate list of popular publications and addresses is found here.