Presentations, Reports, etc.
Presentations, Reports, etc.
The following lists scholarly presentations, reports, etc. that have not been documented through written publications. At relevant points, English translations for originally Norwegian titles are offered in brackets.
•Presentation: Teologi og filologi – gammel og ny [Theology and Philology – Old and New], Invited presentation in a full-day seminar on Philology as a Method at the Norwegian Academy for Science and Letters, Oslo, 3 April 2014.
•Presentation: The Canonical Taming of Job (Job 42:1-6). Invited presentation at the Oxford Old Testament Seminar, 3 December 2013.
•Presentation: Imagining Potential Ancient Near Eastern Network Associations with Latour and Bourdieu. Presentation in the first international workshop for the project Networks of the Roman Near East, directed by Eivind Seland, Voss, 25.-27. September, 2013.
•Blog entry: Religion: ”Re-deskripsjon” og forståelse – Brent Nongbri om religionsbegrepet i antikkforskning [ET: Religion: Redescription and Understanding – Brent Nongbri on the concept of religion in research on antiquity]. PluRelBlog, 19 April 2013.
•Presentation: Utopia: From Elysium and the Garden of Eden, to Sir Thomas More and Charles Taylor's Social Imaginaries, Invited lecture at the PhD seminar, School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, 11 April 2013.
•Presentation: Theology and Religious Studies – Challenges and Trends in Late Modern European Academia, Invited lecture at the PhD seminar, School of Mission and Theology, Stavanger, 10 April 2013.
•Presentation: How Are ‘Social Fields’ and ‘Social Discourses’ Relevant Categories for Analysing the Pre-Modern Levant? Presentation during the LDG Workshop in Oslo, 18 - 19 March 2013.
•Presentation: Family Household Religions and their Social Fields. Presentation during the LDG Workshop in Oslo, 18 - 19 March 2013.
•Presentation: Canonized Concepts, Texts, and Practices — Invited response to Jorunn Økland, ‘Authority and the Voice’ and General Comments to the Project Canonicity, Gender, & Critique, invited response during the workshop «Making Canons» in the project Canonicity, Gender, and Critique, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Oslo, 24 - 25 January 2013.
•Presentation: The Concept ‘Religion’ in (Christian, Protestant) Scholarship on Ancient Hebrew Religion, Presentation during a conference on the Concept of Religion in Research and Education, organised by PluRel, University of Oslo, 7 - 9 January 2013.
•Presentation: Dialogue and Dialogism in the Book of Job: On Ancient and Modern Epistemic Paradigms, International Workshop, Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, 2 November 2012.
•Presentation: Hva er bibeltradisjon? [ET: What is a tradition of reading the Bible?], Public seminar, Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, 5 November 2012.
•Presentation: Emancipating Bodies, Artefacts, and Figurations from the Textual Gaze, Invited presentation at an international workshop, University of Utrecht, 19 October 2012.
•Presentation: What is a Scriptural Canon? Invited Presentation in an International Jubilee Workshop, University of Iceland, 28 April 2012.
•Presentation: Rules, Standards, Classics: Bourdieu and Historical Research on Canonicity, National Research Seminar, Norwegian Academy for Science and Letters, Oslo, 19 April 2012.
•Presentation: What Is a Scriptural Canon? Invited Presentation in Research Seminar, Lunds University, 29 March 2012.
•Presentation: Contrast Worlds: Topographies of the ”Earthly Paradise" from Gilgamesh and Genesis to Sir Thomas More's Utopia», KULTRANS conference, UiO, 13 September 2011.
•Presentation: Canon and Canonized Commentary. Guest lecture at the University of Iceland on 8 March 2010
•In late 2009 I handed in the final product of the team translating the Book of Job for the Norwegian Bible Society 2011 edition. The team consisted of prof. Knud Jeppesen, Aarhus and the two Norwegian writers Håvard Rem and Oskar Stein Bjørlykke. I myself served as primary translator and team co-ordinator.
•Presentation: “The Omnipresence of Never-Neverland: Utopia and the Fascination for Topographies and Events of Contrast Worlds from Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance”. Conference at the University of Oslo, 10 November 2009
•Presentation: Utviklingshemming og Det gamle testamente [ET: Meeting Psychologically Challenged Individuals: From an Old Testament Background]. Course of continuous education at the Faculty of Theology, 23 April 2009
•Presentation: Israels religion i sen jernalder og tidlig persisk tid (ca. 650 til 450 fvt.) [ET: “The Religion of Israel in Late Iron Age and the Early Persian Era (ca. 650 to 450 B.C.E.”], Seminar AHKR, University of Bergen 2. April 2009
•Presentation: Bibeltolkningens etikk: Om å oversette Job 20 i en kultur hvor spiseforstyrrelser blir et stadig mer utbredt fenomen [ET: The Ethics of Biblical Interpretation: Translating Job 20 in a society where Dietary Disturbances Are Becoming a Common Phenomenon], Seminar in the Norwegian Old Testament Society (NGTS), Oslo 7 December 2009.
•Presentation: Scripture as Cultural Memory?» Presentation in a Cross-Disciplinary Seminar, Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo, 6 November 2008
•Presentation: Scripture as Cultural Memory? Presentation at the EABS Annual Meeting in Lisbon, in the session ‘Biblical Exegesis and Memory II’, 6 August 2008
•Presentation: «You Saw No Form When YHWH Spoke to You at Horeb” (Deut 4:15): Archaeology, Text, and the Memory of a First Temple Non-Iconic Cult», Presentation at the conference Text, Tell, Empire, Faculty of Theology, Oslo, 30 May 2008
•Presentation: Scripture as Artifact: Early Implications of Canonization in Biblical Hebrew Literature. Presentation at the SBL Annual Meeting, Session S18-22: Scripture as Artifact; 2007-11-18.
•Presentation: Heaven on Earth – Or Not? Jerusalem as Eden in Biblical Literature. Invited presentation during the conference Beyond Eden: The Biblical Story of Paradise (Genesis 2–3) and Its Reception History, organised by Facoltà di Teologia dell'Università di Zurigo: Istituto Svizzero, Facoltà Valdese, Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rome, 19-20 October 2007.
•Presentation: Tsunami and Theology – The Social Tsunami in Scandinavia and the Book of Job, Opening lecture, OTSEM Annual Meeting, Göttingen May 2005.
•Presentation: Reading the Book of Job in China, Evening address at the OTSEM Annual Meeting, Granavolden, Norway 6 Dcember 2004.
•Invited Lecture: The Canonization of Biblical Hebrew and of Traditional Confucian Literature, Peking University, Institute for Chinese and Comparative Philosophy and Literature, Beijing, 22 April 2004.
•Invited Lecture: Gammeltestamentlig teologi anno 2002 [ET: Old Testament Theology Anno 2002]. Exegetiska Dagen, Uppsala University, 28 September 2002.
•Invited Lecture: «En duft av Eden: Hagen som realitet og symbol i Det gamle testamente og dets omverden» [ET: A Scent of Eden: The Garden as Reality and Symbol in Ancient Israel and the Near Orient], Aas landbrukshøgskole, 13. mars 1999