Professionals: Biblical Scholar


Regular Positions

     :    Professor of Old Testament Studies, the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo

2003 - 2006:    Professor of Old Testament Studies , MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo

1993 - 2003:    Associate Professor, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo

1992 - 1993:    Assistant Professor, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo

1991 - 1992:    Lecturer, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo

1989 - 1991:    Research Assistant in the project Hebrew Bible / Old Testament: The History of its
(ed. Prof. Magne Sæbø, published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprect)

Particular Appointments within Regular Positions

      Head of PhD Program, Faculty of Theology University of Oslo

2010 - 2014    PhD Adviser, Centre for Gender Research UiO

2010 - 2013    PhD Adviser, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, UiO

2010 - 2011   Coordinator of PluRel PhD Colloquium

2009 - 2010   Research Co-ordinator for the inter faculty network PluRel, University of Oslo

2008              Head of PhD Program, Faculty of Theology University of Oslo

2005 - 2006   Head of committee revising the Cand. theol. program MF Norwegian School

                      of Theology

2004 - 2006  Co-ordinator of all Master programs, MF Norwegian School of Theology

2000 - 2002  Elected head of the Old Testament Section, MF Norwegian School of Theology

2000 - 2001  Member of the committee revising the Cand theol. program MF Norwegian School

                      of Theology

1996 - 1997  Head of the committee revising the Mellomfag program (undergraduate major)

                      MF Norwegian School of Theology

1993 - 1994  Member of the committee revising the Grunnfag program  (undergraduate)

                      MF Norwegian School of Theology

Visiting Positions, etc.

2005:               Visiting Scholar, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany
                        Guest Lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist University

2004:               Visiting Lecturer, Peking University (Beijing DaXue), China

                        Visiting Lecturer, Central University for the Nationalities (MinZu DaXue), Beijing China

                        Visiting Lecturer, Shandong University, Jinan, China

                       Guest Lecturer, Chinese University of Hong Kong

2002:               Guest Lecturer for Exegetiska Dagen at Uppsala University, Sweden

2001:               Visiting Scholar, Lund University, Sweden

2000:               Visiting Professor, Lutheran Institute of Theological Education, Bangkok, Thailand

1999 - 2000:    Visiting Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong

1999:               Guest Lecturer, Norwegian School of Agricultural Science, Ås, Norway