Projects & People Involved
The project Local Dynamics of Globalization has been long in the making, all the way jointly created and promoted by Terje Stordalen and Oystein S. LaBianca (among friends: Sten LaBianca). During the CAS period of the project, Terje serves as coordiantor, with Sten as associate coordinator. While Sten, the social anthropologist, provides the connection to Tall Hisban and the archaeological guild, Terje brings in biblical scholarship and also the attempt to wed social science and historical textual studies. Other important contributors in project have been Bethany Walker and also Kåre Berge. Today the makeup of the project looks like this

The Core Group
• Terje Stordalen, University of Oslo, A “Social Fields” Perspective on Religion and Society in Ancient Israel
• Oystein LaBianca, Andrews University, A “Global History” Perspective on Four Millennia of Global-Local Interactions at Hisban and Vicinity, Jordan. 
• Kåre Berge, NLA University College, Bergen, The Interaction between Elite Culture and Popular Tradition in the Creation of the Pentateuch. (Kåre joins the group as a CAS fellow from September through December 2014.)
• Diana Edelman: Strategies for Adjusting Identity in Local Discourses in the Hebrew Bible in Response to Persian Imperial Discourses and Policy in Judah/Yehud.
Eivind Heldaas Seland, Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, UiB, The In-Betweens: Studies of Traders, Soldiers, Administrators and Nomads in the Ancient Levant. (Eivind takes parts in LDG workshops and visits CAS in shorter periods, offering a link between LDG and the NeRoNE project.)
• Øyvind Norderval, University of Oslo, The Imperial Building Programs of Emperor Constantine (306-337 A.D.) and his Followers.
• Marina Prusac Lindhagen, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, Constantine’s Jerusalem: Christianity the ‘Globalization’ of the late Roman Empire.
• Bethany Walker, Missouri State University, and part of the Tall Hisban excavations: Human Migration in the Pre-Modern Levant. (Bethany joins the group as a CAS fellow in February 2015, and takes part in several of our workshops during the year.)
• Birgit Meyer, University of Utrecht, Habitats and Habitus: Politics and Aesthetics of Religious World Making. (Birgit is a CAS fellow from April through June 2015, and takes part in several of our workshops throughout the year.)

The Outer Circle
• Christine Amadou, Associate Prof. of History of Ideas, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas, UiO, “With the breastplate of righteousness”: The Military Saint Figuring the Dynamics between Local Cult and Imperializing Discourse
• Jón Viðar Sigurðsson, University of Oslo, Introducing Christian Rituals in Iceland c. 1000-1200
• Frode F. Jacobsen, will contribute to hammering out the theory and analytical models for the LDG and also play a central role in several of our workshops.

PhD Fellows
Three young scholars presently pursuing their PhDs will join the group, each for three months:
• Stefanie Schön, STK, UiO (September through November)
•	Håkon Teigen, NeRoNE project, UiO (January through March)
•	Kari Zakariassen, TF, UiO (September through November)

Some of our members have participated in or co-operated with scholars in a number of large projects that provide background and conversation partners for the LDG project:
Global Moments in the Levant (recently concluded), was a multi-disciplinary project based at the University of Bergen, headed by Leif Manger, Department of Anthropology. The project included archaeologists studying tells, historians investigating texts, and social anthropologists and sociologists doing ethnography—for the purpose of understanding such events (global moments) in the Southern Levant that significantly changed people’s lives and futures. The project is represented in the LDG by Oystein LaBianca, who assisted Leif Manger in leading the project. 
Exercising Power in the Age of the Sultanates (concluded), was a research collaboration between the L’Institut Français d’Archéologie, Cairo and the American Research Centre in Egypt, Cairo. The project concluded in 2008 after 5 years, and is represented in the LDG by Bethany Walker, Missouri State University. 
Human Migration in the Pre-Modern Levant is a large co-operative project affiliated with the Annemarie Schimmel Kolleg for Mamluk Studies at the University of Bonn and represented in LDG by Bethany Walker. As the project gets started, we will explore possible invitation of its participants to LDG workshops.
The Mediterranean Feudal Society Project of the University of Florence: Archaeological Mission to Shawbak (Crack de Montreal). Headed by Guido Vannini, the project investigates the interaction of the Franks (Crusaders) with the local population of Transjordan in the Thirteenth Century. A member of this team, Michele Nucciotti, has assisted in the study of the medieval remains from Tall Hisban and the surrounding region.